We are obviously delighted to have completed -it was a long haul but worth it in the end.
We would like to express our thanks to you for your assistance over the last nine months. The vendors were, by any standards, very difficult and you handled them very professionally. It was a great weight off our minds to know that you were keeping such a close eye on things with us at such a distance.
I cannot believe that we have finally bought our house!
We wanted to thank you so much for all your hard work over the last 4 years. It has been a long journey with numerous twists and turns but we have at last reached our destination. We very much appreciate the amount of time and effort that you have put towards our search, and are most grateful for your perseverance despite continued setbacks.
We are all so delighted to be here…
Thank you so much for all your help and persistence on our behalf – you kept us hopeful and positive – and I am sure we would have lost the property at the end without your experience and tact.
Thank you so much for all your help and guidance.
You have helped everything along very well and used sense, charm and intuition to navigate the various barriers that cropped up. Not only did you find us a lovely house but you also achieved a good result and as painlessly as possible. So thank you very much.
Thanks again for all your help over the past few months. Really could not have got to here without you.
We have made it to East Sussex and could never have achieved it without your help.
In just over a year we have sold two houses and bought another, moved across the Irish Sea with two dogs and four cats and the horses will follow. You took away the headache of house hunting and purchase for us and guided us to a great location. Our sincere thanks and best wishes to you all.
Thank you so much to you and Liz for all your help and guidance as well as introducing us to the house.
Your research and advice has been hugely reassuring ahead of embarking on a project like this!!
Thank you to you both for your incredible support over these last years, and most especially in these last 7 months!!
We are very clear we couldn’t have done this without you, so are feeling immense gratitude. Thank you also for your offer of advice if and when we need it…..this is very much appreciated.